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Do I need to lodge a tax return?

Use these tools and instructions to help you work out if you need to lodge a tax return.

Last updated 30 June 2024

Go to the tool

ATO online services ­­- Do I need to lodge a tax return? tool

Alternatively, you can navigate to the tool:

  • sign in to your myGov account
  • under Linked services select Australian Taxation Office
  • select Tax, then Lodgments, then Income tax
  • from the Not lodged tab, select the relevant income year
  • then select Do I need to lodge for the relevant income year.

What you can do with this tool

You can use the tool in ATO online services for income years from 2018–19 to 2023–24.

When you access the tool through ATO online services it uses information we know about you. This information comes from third parties, including employers and other government agencies. This means there are less questions you need to answer and the result is tailored to you.

If the result shows you need to lodge a tax return, you can go straight to myTax to complete your return online.

If the result shows you don't need to lodge a tax return, you need to submit a non-lodgment advice. A link to the non-lodgment advice is available from the results page.

We base the results from our tools on the information you provide us or information we know about you at the time. You may need to use the tool again, if:

  • your situation changes
  • additional information becomes available.

What you will need

To access the tool you need a myGov account linked to the ATO.

You can use the website version of the tool if you:

  • don't have a myGov account linked to the ATO
  • need to work out if you need to lodge a return for an income year prior to 2018–19.

What else you can do

For more detailed information see Do you need to lodge a tax return? 2024.

If you need to work out if you need to lodge a return for an earlier income year you can:

Australian Government payments and allowances

If you don't need to lodge a tax return, you still need to notify both us and Services Australia if you either:

When you notify Services Australia that you don't need to lodge a tax return, they will ask for your income for the financial year. If you don't provide the details, you may not receive your full entitlement.

Go to the website tool

Anyone can access the Do I need to lodge a tax return? tool from our website.

Do I need to lodge a tax return? tool

Use this tool to work out if you need to lodge a return for an income year from 2012–13 to 2023–24.

It takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Instructions for earlier income years

To help you work out if you need to lodge a tax return for income years from 2007–08 to 2011–12, use the following links for the relevant year:

For income years before 2007–08, go to our prior years individuals tax return forms and schedules and select the relevant year.
