Research and development tax incentive calculator

Use this calculator to help calculate your research and development (R&D) tax incentive claim.

Last updated 20 December 2022

Use this calculator to help calculate your research and development (R&D) tax incentive claim.

Before using this calculator, refer to Amounts you can claim to work out the amounts you are eligible to claim as a notional R&D deduction.

To calculate your entitlement to the R&D tax incentive, use our research and development tax incentive calculator. Select the relevant year from the drop-down menu.

If you want to use this calculator to calculate clawback (feedstock, recoupment or assessable balancing adjustments) or catch up (deductible balancing adjustments), you will need to obtain information from previous R&D schedules before entering any data.

You cannot use this calculator for 2021–22 calculations for early balancing entities with a substituted accounting period.

For further information see Research and development tax incentive.
