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Simple tax calculator

Calculate the tax on your taxable income for the 2013–14 to 2023–24 income years.

Last updated 30 June 2024

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Simple tax calculator

Our calculator takes between 2 and 10 minutes to use.

What you can do with this calculator

This calculator will only work out your tax for income years 2013–14 to 2023–24.

This amount is the tax on taxable income before you take into account tax offsets.

The calculator results are based on the information you provide. Use these results as an estimate and for guidance purposes only.

Which tax rates apply?

The individual income tax rates will depend on the income year you select and your residency status for income tax purposes during that income year.

Foreign residents pay tax at a higher rate and can’t claim the tax-free threshold. Part-year residents can usually claim a part-year tax-free threshold.

If you are a working holiday maker you will need to use the Income tax estimator to estimate your income tax payable. This will allow you to provide a breakdown of the income and indicate your residency status.

What you will need

  • Your taxable income for the full income year.
  • Your residency status for tax purposes in the specific income year.


This calculator will only work out the tax on your taxable income, it doesn't include the following:

What else you can do

Use the Income tax estimator if you want to estimate your tax refund or debt in detail.

To work out how much tax is to be withheld from current income year payments made to employees and other workers, see Tax withheld calculator.
