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Privacy notice

How we collect and use personal information you provide us during a recruitment process.

Last updated 21 May 2024

Why we collect personal information

We are authorised by the Public Service Act 1999 to request personal information on any forms that we ask to you complete as part of our recruitment process. This includes selection, placement and onboarding (which will include induction of successful candidates).

By submitting this information, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described below.

How we collect your personal information

We collect personal information from you directly when you complete these forms. We may also collect information about you:

  • when you register for the ATO Careers Portal
  • from any assessment you undertake during the selection process
  • from your referees
  • from our human resource systems that contain information about your previous employment with us.

If we don't collect this information

If we don't collect your personal information, it may affect our ability to consider your application in our recruitment process that includes selection, placement or onboarding process. It may mean that:

  • you'll be unable to apply for vacancies with the ATO
  • we'll be unable to contact you to advise of your progress or any update regarding the selection, placement or onboarding process
  • you might be at a disadvantage against other applicants who have supplied this personal information at any other stages of the selection, placement or onboarding process.

How we use your personal information

We'll use your personal information for the purpose of recruitment, including considering your application for the selection, placement or onboarding process, induction of successful candidates and in some cases to create a merit pool to fill similar vacancies.

Additionally, where you haven’t selected to ‘opt out’ on the application form, your personal information may be shared with other Commonwealth agencies to fill similar vacancies.

We also use personal information about job applicants to help us improve our workforce planning and our administration of recruitment services.

Your personal information will be retained on our online recruitment system to enable you to track the progress of your application and make it easier for you to view previous applications and apply for vacancies with us in the future.

We are committed to ensuring information assets are kept securely, and managed and disposed of in accordance with the relevant legislation and ATO policy.

Who your personal information may be disclosed to

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • members of the selection panel responsible for assessing your application
  • the delegate (departmental manager who has overall authority to approve selection decisions)
  • ATO staff involved in the administration of recruitment services, workforce planning and personnel functions
  • ATO staff and managers involved in facilitating onboarding and induction
  • staff of an external service provider if they have been contracted to assist with the selection, placement or onboarding process and induction of successful candidates
  • any other person with a lawful entitlement to view your application, which may include supporting documentation
  • other Commonwealth agencies who elect to use our merit pools unless you select 'opt out' on the application form.

If you are successful in a gazetted recruitment process your name will appear in the APS Employment Gazette along with some of your personal information.

For more information

Our privacy policy contains important information about your privacy, including how:

  • you can access and seek correction of personal information we hold about you
  • to make a complaint if you think we have breached the Australian Privacy Principles
  • we will deal with any privacy complaints.

We are unlikely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients, unless required by law.

