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Attachment B

Details about remote locality provisions.

Published 28 March 2024

Remote localities provisions

These provisions apply to eligible employees who have been stationed at Alice Springs, Darwin, Cairns or Townsville from before:

These provisions apply if an eligible employee moves within the ATO between those remote localities, but ceases if the employee moves to another location.

Remote localities leave fares

  1. From the commencement of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Enterprise Agreement 2024 eligible employees will receive a reimbursement for a discount economy return airfare to travel to and from the nearest capital city. The assistance is only available when the eligible employee travels. The fares assistance is as follows:


How much do you get

Darwin, Alice Springs

one return fare to Adelaide per year


one return airfare to Brisbane every 2 years

  1. The eligible employee is entitled to fares assistance for dependants and/or current partner who does not have an annual income that exceeds the federal minimum wage.

Emergency or compassionate travel

Where a close relative of an eligible employee or a close relative of their spouse/partner dies or becomes critically or dangerously ill, the eligible employee will be reimbursed for the cost of travel within Australia by either the employee or the employee's spouse/partner, from the location at which the employee is stationed.

For the purpose of this clause, a close relative is:

  1. a spouse or partner, a child, a parent, a brother or a sister, or
  2. any other person approved by the delegate as a close relative of the employee.

Additional annual leave credits for remote localities

An eligible employee who continues to be stationed in a location listed in column 1 of the table below are entitled to the additional annual leave set out in column 2 each year that they continue to be stationed in that locality.


Additional annual leave

Darwin, Alice Springs

36 hours and 45 minutes


14 hours and 42 minutes

Annual leave loading

Employees who receive the additional annual leave are entitled to payment of leave loading of 17.5% on the additional annual leave.

The payment will be based on the employee’s salary (including any HDA) on 1 January of the year that the additional leave accrues.

District allowance

An eligible employee is eligible to be paid district allowance. Rates of district allowance are:


Annual Rate of district allowance – Employee with eligible dependants and/or current partner*

Annual Rate of district allowance – Employee without eligible dependants or current partner

Darwin, Alice Springs






Eligible dependants or current partner reside with the employee and have an income, if any, that is less than the annual federal minimum wage.

If current partner is also entitled to district allowance, they are not dependants for the calculation of district allowance.

Payment of district allowance will continue during periods of Annual Leave, even if the employee and family do not reside in the district during the leave.

District allowance is only payable during other types of leave covered by this Agreement if the employee or their family continue to reside in the district during the leave.

Relocation assistance:

Where an eligible employee permanently moves from a locality where immediately prior to the move they were paid district allowance, they will be eligible for assistance with relocation costs in accordance with subclauses 28.1 and 28.2.

