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Section B – employment principles

Information about employment principles.

Published 28 March 2024

7. Principles and values-based employment framework

7.1: This Agreement provides a principles-based decision-making framework. The following principles underpin all provisions in this Agreement:

  1. providing a safe, secure and fair environment
  2. assisting employees to balance their work and personal commitments
  3. the ATO being as flexible as it can, taking into account the employee’s preferences and personal circumstances
  4. fostering strong cooperative relationships between the ATO and its employees
  5. safeguarding the health and wellbeing of employees
  6. respecting and valuing diversity
  7. preventing discrimination and harassment
  8. treating employees fairly and impartially
  9. making the most efficient use of resources, and
  10. supporting sustainable environmental management.

They will be supported by policies and guidelines as appropriate.

8. Respect at work


8.1: The ATO values a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace free from physical and psychological harm, harassment, discrimination and bullying. The ATO recognises that preventing sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sex- based harassment and victimisation in the workplace is a priority.

8.2: The ATO recognises that approaches to prevent sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sex-based harassment and victimisation in the workplace should be holistic and consistent with the Australian Human Rights Commission’s guidance including the Good Practice Indicators Framework for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Sexual Harassment.


8.3: The ATO will consult with employees and their unions in developing, reviewing and evaluating approaches to prevent sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sex-based harassment and victimisation in the workplace.

9. Integrity in the APS

9.1: The ATO understands that procedural fairness is essential in building and maintaining trust with APS employees, and that it requires fair and impartial processes for employees affected by APS-wide or ATO decisions.

9.2: Employees are to give advice that is frank, honest, timely and based on the best available evidence. This includes scientific and engineering advice based on evidence-based facts guided by the best available science and data. Employees will not be disadvantaged or discriminated against because they have given advice in accordance with their expertise or professional qualifications and in accordance with the APS Code of Conduct in the PS Act.

9.3: Employees can, during their ordinary work hours, take time to:

  1. access an APS-wide ethics advisory service or another similar service provided by a professional association such as a law society or in the ATO, and
  2. attend ATO mandated training about integrity.
