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Calculating your total child care tax rebate

Last updated 12 February 2019

Use the worksheet below to calculate the rebate for each child and your total rebate. Work down the column for each child, using your total fees amount at step 1 and CCB entitlement at step 2. If you had more than four children in approved care, continue the worksheet on another piece of paper.




Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4


Step 1 Calculate your total fees for each child for the period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005. Only include the total fees for the weeks when you met all three eligibility requirements. Write the total fees at (a).






Step 2 Write your CCB entitlement for each child at (b)






Step 3 Take (b) away from (a). Write this amount at (c). These are your out-of-pocket expenses.






Step 4 Multiply the amount at (c) by 30%. Write this amount at (d).






Step 5 Your rebate for each child is limited to $4,000. Write at (e) the amount at (d) or $4,000 whichever is lower.






Step 6 Write at (f) the total of all the amounts from (e).





Write the total rebate amount from (f) above at W on page 2 of the transfer advice (PDF 56KB)This link will download a file.
