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Order in which to apply the discount and concessions

Last updated 11 August 2021

Note that you make a capital gain from a depreciating asset only to the extent that you have used the depreciating asset for a non-taxable purpose.

Step 1: Determine whether you satisfy the basic conditions for the small business CGT concessions.

If so, go to step 2.

If not, go to step 3.

Step 2: Determine whether you qualify for the small business 15-year exemption (not relevant to capital gains from depreciating assets).

If yes, disregard the entire capital gain. You don't need to apply any of the other CGT concessions.

Step 3: Offset any capital losses against the capital gain.

Step 4: Determine whether you are eligible for the CGT discount.

If so, reduce the remaining capital gain.

Go to step 5.

Step 5: Determine whether the capital gain is from a depreciating asset and used at least partly for a non-taxable purpose.

If so, you are not eligible for any other concessions and can't reduce your capital gain any further.

If not, go to step 6.

Step 6: Determine whether you qualify for the small business 50% active asset reduction (if you answered yes at step 1 you will qualify). If so, reduce the remaining capital gain.

Note: You can choose not to apply the 50% active asset reduction and go straight to the small business retirement exemption or rollover in step 7

Amount remaining equals the net capital gain to be included in your assessable income for the year.Step 7: Determine whether you qualify for the small business retirement exemption or rollover. If so, reduce the remaining capital gain.

Note: Keep the necessary CGT records
