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Features of attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return

About the tailored features of the CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Published 29 May 2024

The Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return 2024 is tailored to the specific aspects of the CCIV regime. Some features of this tax return include:

  • electronic-only lodgment through Standard Business Reporting (SBR)
  • streamlined information requirements compared to the Trust tax return
  • reduced statement of distribution requirements in specific circumstances
  • automated assessment process, including where the trustee is liable to pay an amount.

When you lodge this tax return, we issue a comprehensive notice of assessment (NOA) where a trustee is liable to pay an amount. Specifically, the NOA will provide details of trustee assessment in respect of:

  • amounts of tax the trustee is required to pay on behalf of foreign resident members (for trusts that are not withholding MITs)
  • amounts of tax the trustee is required to pay in its own right.

Continue to: What's new for attribution CCIV sub-funds?

Return to: A tax system for Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles
