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How to get the attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return 2024

How to get the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return instructions and who should use them.

Published 30 May 2024

Get the attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return instructions

The Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return instructions 2024 are not available in print.

You can create and save a PDF copy (1,078 KB) from this webpage – select the Print or Download icon under the page heading, then select PDF whole topic.

Download a sample form of Attribution Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund tax return 2024 (PDF, 230KB)This link will download a file.This PDF is not an approved form that can be used for lodgment.

About the CCIV sub-fund tax return instructions

These instructions will help you complete the Attribution Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund tax return 2024. They also cover how to complete schedules that trusts may need to attach to their tax return.

These instructions are not a guide to income tax law.

For instructions on lodging the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return, see How to lodge your attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return and pay.

When we say you in these instructions, we mean you as one of the following:

  • the CCIV sub-fund trust
  • the CCIV that is the trustee of the CCIV sub-fund trust
  • registered tax agent responsible for completing the tax return.

References to the CCIV sub-fund trust, where applicable, are references to the trustee in their capacity as trustee of the CCIV sub-fund trust.

Who should use the instructions

You should only use these instructions and complete the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return 2024 if you meet the AMIT eligibility requirements as a CCIV sub-fund for the income year.

In determining whether you were an AMIT for an income year, you must consider your circumstances over the course of the entire year.

If you are not eligible to be an AMIT for 2023–24 under the modified eligibility criteria for CCIV sub-funds, you should instead lodge either a:

Continue to: A tax system for Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles

