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Instructions to complete the attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return 2024

Instructions for completing the sections of the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Published 30 May 2024

Instructions for completing the CCIV sub-fund trust information in the income tax return.

Instructions to complete the Attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) eligibility requirements in the tax return.

Instructions to complete any liabilities of the trustee of the CCIV sub-fund trust.

Instructions to complete additional information that may be required in the attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Overseas transactions, thin capitalisation, transactions with specified countries and financial information instructions.

Instructions to follow if the CCIV sub-fund trust has made a capital account election.

Instructions to complete items stapled entities, CCIV cross-investment and payments from related entities.

Instructions for completing the capital allowances questions.

Instructions and information for claiming the small business energy incentive.

Instructions and information for withholding obligations and completing the CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Instructions for debt-like trust instruments (Subdivision 276-J) issued by the CCIV sub-fund trust.

Instructions for completing the questions at Division 6C amounts in the tax return.

Instructions to complete the assessable income of the CCIV sub-fund trust.

Instructions to complete items exempt income and non-assessable non-exempt income.

Instructions to complete the tax offsets for all your characters of the CCIV sub-fund trust.

Instructions to complete the tax losses of the CCIV sub-fund trust as relevant to your circumstances.

Instructions and information for completing the statement of attribution for non-withholding attribution CCIV sub-fund.

Information you need when completing the declaration section of the tax return.
