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AMMA statement or SDS example

A complete example of the AMMA statement or SDS parts A, B and C.

Last updated 9 August 2023

A complete example of the AMMA statement or SDS parts A, B and C.

Tax return information for the year ended 30 June 2023

The information shown on this statement is also reported to the ATO:

Part A: Your details

Your name


You are recorded as being a

[Individual / Company / Partnership / Superannuation fund / Trustee / Custodian / Nominee]

Australian tax file number (TFN)

[Provided / Not Provided]

Country of residence at 30 June 2023


Tax identification number (TIN) for country of residence

[Provided / Not Provided]

If any of the above is incorrect, update your details with your trustee.

Part B: Summary of 2023 tax return (supplementary section) items

If you use a tax agent to prepare your income tax return, advise them to rely on the information in this statement rather than information that may be displayed in the Online Services for Agents.

If you use myTax to prepare your income tax return, check the pre-filled amounts against this statement and correct them if necessary. Depending on your circumstances, you may also need to use the data in part C (for example, if you are required to perform additional calculations or if you are a non-resident individual).

Part B – Table 1 - Partnerships and trusts – Primary production



Item number on
tax return

Share of net income from trusts



Other deductions relating to amounts shown at share of net income from trusts



Part B – Table 2 - Partnership and trusts – Non-primary production



Item number on tax return

Share of net income from trusts, less capital gains, foreign income and franked distributions



Franked distributions from trusts



Other deductions relating to non-primary production income



Part B – Table 3 - Share of credits from income and tax offsets



Item number
on tax return

Share of credit for tax withheld where Australian business number not quoted



Share of franking credit from franked dividends



Share of credit for tax file number amounts withheld from interest, dividends and unit trust distributions



Share of credit for tax paid by trustee



Share of credit for foreign resident withholding amounts (excluding capital gains)



Share of National rental affordability scheme tax offset



Early stage venture capital limited partnership:
current year tax offset



Early stage investor: current year tax offset



Other refundable tax offsets: Exploration credits


(code E)

Part B – Table 4 - Capital gains



Item number
on tax return

Net capital gain



Total current year capital gains



Credit for foreign resident capital gains withholding amounts



Part B – Table 5 - Foreign entities



Item number on tax return

CFC income



Transferor trust income



Part B – Table 6 - Foreign source income and foreign assets or property



Item number
on tax return

Assessable foreign source income



Net foreign rent



Other net foreign source income



Australian franking credits from a New Zealand franking company



Foreign income tax offset (see Note 1)



Part B – Table 7 - Other income



Item number
on tax return

Category 4 rebates



Note 1:To work out your foreign income tax offset (FITO) entitlement, see

Part C AMMA: Components of an attribution

Part C – Table 1 - Australian income


Cash distribution
(see Note 2)

Tax paid or franking credit (grossed up)


Item number
on tax return









unfranked amount declared to be CFI




Dividends: unfranked amount not declared to be CFI




less LIC capital gain deduction




Other assessable Australian income
(see Note 3)




NCMI – Non-primary production
(see Note 4)




Excluded from NCMI – Non-primary production
(see Note 4 )




Non-primary production income (A)





NCMI – Primary production
(see Note 5)




Excluded from NCMI – Primary production
(see Note 5)




Primary production income (B)





Dividends: franked amount (Franked distributions) (X)




13C or 13Q

Part C – Table 2 - Capital gains

Capital gains

Cash distribution (see Note 2)

Foreign tax paid
(see Note 6a and 6b)


Item number
on tax return

Capital gains discount – Taxable Australian property




Capital gains discount – Non-taxable Australian property




Capital gains other – Taxable Australian property




Capital gains other – Non-taxable Australian property




NCMI capital gains (see Note 7)




Excluded from NCMI capital gains
(see Note 7)




Net capital gain





AMIT CGT gross up amount




Other capital gains distribution




Total current year capital gains (C)





Part C – Table 3 - Foreign income

Foreign income

Cash distribution (see Note 2)

Foreign tax paid
(see Note 6a) or franking credit


Item number
on tax return

Other net foreign source income




20M or 20O

Net foreign rent





Assessable foreign source income





Australian franking credits from a New Zealand franking company





CFC income





Transferor trust income





Total foreign income (D)




Part C – Table 4 - Tax offsets

Tax offsets


Item number
on tax return

Franking credit tax offset



Foreign income tax offset



Total tax offsets (E)


Part C – Table 5 - Other non-assessable amounts and cost base details

Other non-assessable amounts

Cash distribution

Attribution amount

Other amount

Net exempt income




Non-assessable non-exempt amount (F) (see Note 8)




Other non-attributable amounts (see Note 9)




Gross cash distribution (G) (see Note 8)




AMIT cost base net amount – excess (decrease) (see Note 9)




AMIT cost base net amount – shortfall (increase) (see Note 9)



Part C – Table 6 - Other amounts deducted from trust distributions

Other amounts deducted
from trust distribution

Cash amount

Item number
on tax return

TFN amounts withheld



Other expenses



Credit for foreign resident capital gains withholding amounts



Other income Category 4: Rebates



Net cash distribution


Part C – Table 7 - Reporting for the purposes of non-resident withholding tax and income tax. Fields that may be included in tables 1 to 6 are also shown.

Non-resident reporting

Attribution amount

Tax paid

Item number
on tax return

Table 1 – Interest exempt from withholding



Table 6 – Non-resident withholding amount (see Note 10)



Table 6 – Non-resident member para 276-105(2)(a) or (b) assessable amount



Table 6 – Non-resident member para 276-105(2)(c) assessable amount



Table 6 – Managed investment trust fund payments (see Note 11)



Deemed payment – Dividend



Deemed payment – Interest



Deemed payment – Royalties



Deemed payment – Fund payment



Note 2: The Cash distribution column in tables 1, 2 and 3 is shown because some investors have requested it. At table 5 trustees can either:

  • disclose the cash distribution of each individual component
  • choose to only disclose the total gross cash distribution.

Note 3: This may include management fees, rent and royalties. If royalties are present, you need to show them separately for the benefit of flow through entities which may have to distribute to non-residents. You can do this by having a line for 'royalties' and a line for 'other'.

Note 4: Amounts you show here, you must also show at 13U Non-primary production income.

Note 5: Amounts you show here, you must also show at 13L Primary production.

Note 6a: The tax offset is available to non-residents only in circumstances where the foreign income distributed to the non-resident is included in their assessable income in Australia.

Note 6b: Investors need to calculate their FITO under Division 770 of the ITAA 1997. Where a foreign capital gain is reduced for capital losses and or discount capital gains, the corresponding foreign tax paid reported in the AMMA statement has not been proportionately reduced. The FITO reported in the AMMA statement should be reported as the grossed-up amount (i.e. not reduced for any discount capital gains applied at the trust level). The trustee may provide a break down of the FITO amount reported in the AMMA statement across the following:

  • foreign tax paid on discount capital gains
  • foreign tax paid on other capital gains
  • other foreign tax payments.

Where capital losses or the discount capital gain has been applied at the trust level to the corresponding capital gains, this information needs to be disclosed in the AMMA statement to enable the investor to calculate the FITO they can claim in their Australian tax return.

Note 7: The net capital gain amounts at 18A include the components of NCMI capital gains and Excluded from NCMI capital gains.

Note 8: (F) and (G) are used in the calculation of the AMIT cost base net amount – excess (decrease) or shortfall (increase) amount. See guidance Note 16 for more information.

Note 9: Other non-attributable amounts are cash distributions and other entitlements from an AMIT or attribution CCIV sub-fund trust that exceed the attribution amount, to the extent they are not already shown in other tables. For a non-AMIT, these broadly correspond to amounts that are categorised as, for example, tax deferred amounts (including returns of capital) and tax-free amounts (other than those amounts that are included in net exempt income). As these amounts comprise cash distributions by the AMIT or attribution CCIV sub-fund trust, they are reflected in the calculation of the AMIT or attribution CCIV sub-fund trust cost base net amount – excess (decrease) or shortfall (increase) shown in Table Part C – Other non-assessable amounts. It does not include Other capital gains distributions which are shown in table Part C – Capital gains.

Note 10: MIT withholding tax at a rate of 30% applies to fund payments that are attributable to NCMI.

Note 11: Amounts withheld from NCMI or Excluded from NCMI are not shown here.

Part C SDS: Components of a distribution

Part C – Table 1 Australian income

Australian income

Cash distribution

Tax paid or franking credit

Taxable amount

Item number
on tax return









Dividends –
unfranked amount declared to be CFI




Dividends –
unfranked amount not declared to be CFI




Dividends – less LIC capital gain deduction




Other assessable Australian income – royalties




NCMI – Non-primary production (see Note 12)




Excluded from NCMI – Non-primary production (see Note 12)




Less other allowable trust deductions




Non-primary production income (A)





NCMI – Primary production (see Note 13)




Excluded from NCMI – Primary Production (see Note 13)




Primary production Income (B)





Dividends – Franked amount (Franked distributions) (X)





Part C –Table 2 Capital gains

Capital gains

Cash distribution

Foreign tax paid
(see Note 14b)

Taxable amount

Item number
on tax return

Capital gains discount – Taxable Australian property




Capital gains discount – Non-taxable Australian property




Capital gains other – Taxable Australian property




Capital gains other – Non-taxable Australian property




NCMI capital gains
(see Note 15




Excluded from NCMI capital gains
(see Note 15)




Net capital gain





CGT concession amount
(see Note 16)




Total 2021–22 capital gains (C)





Part C – Table 3Foreign income

Foreign income

Cash distribution

Foreign tax paid*

Taxable amount

Item number
on tax return

Other net foreign source income




20M or 20O

Net foreign rent





Assessable foreign source income





Australian franking credits from a New Zealand franking company





CFC income





Transferor trust income





Total foreign income (D)




Part C – Table 4Tax offsets

Tax offsets


Item number
on tax return

Franking credit tax offset



Foreign income tax offset



Total tax offsets (E)


Part C – Table 5Other non-assessable amounts

Other non-assessable amounts

Cash distribution


Item number
on tax return

Net exempt income



Non-assessable non-exempt amount


Tax free amounts



Tax deferred amounts


Gross cash distribution


Part C – Table 6Other amounts deducted from trust distributions

Other amounts deducted
from trust distribution

Cash distribution

Item number
on tax return

TFN amounts withheld



Other expenses



Credit for foreign resident capital gains withholding amounts



Other income Category 4: Rebates



Net cash distribution


Part C – Table 7Reporting for the purposes of non-resident withholding tax and income tax. Fields that may be included in tables 1 to 6 are also shown

Non-resident reporting

Cash distribution

Tax paid

Taxable amount

Item number
on tax return

Table 1 – Interest exempt from withholding




Table 6 – Non-resident withholding amount
(see Note 17)




Table 6 – Non-resident beneficiary ss 98(3) assessable amounts




Table 6 – Non-resident beneficiary ss 98(4) assessable amounts




Table 6 – Managed investment trust fund payments (see Note 18 )




Note 12 – Amounts you show here, you must also show at 13U Non-primary production income.

Note 13 – Amounts you show here, you must also show at 13L Primary production.

Note 14a – The tax offset is available to non-residents only in circumstances where the foreign income distributed to the non-resident is included in their assessable income in Australia.

Note 14b: Investors need to calculate their FITO under Division 770 of the ITAA 1997. Where a foreign capital gain is reduced for capital losses and or discount capital gains, the corresponding foreign tax paid reported in the SDS has not been proportionately reduced. The FITO reported in the SDS should be reported as the grossed-up amount (i.e. not reduced for any discount capital gains applied at the trust level). The trustee may provide a break down of the FITO amount reported in the SDS across the following:

  • foreign tax paid on discount capital gains
  • foreign tax paid on other capital gains
  • other foreign tax payments.

Where capital losses or the discount capital gain has been applied at the trust level to the corresponding capital gains, this information needs to be disclosed in the SDS to enable the investor to calculate the FITO they can claim in their Australian tax return.

Note 15 – The net capital gain amounts at 18A include the components of NCMI capital gains and Excluded from NCMI capital gains.

Note 16 – To provide MITs and their investors with the necessary information to determine the amount of CGT event E4 cost base adjustments, Division 6 trusts may need to separately identify amounts excluded under table item 7 in subsection 104-71(4) of the ITAA 1997.

Note 17 – MIT withholding tax at a rate of 30% applies to fund payments that are attributable to NCMI.

Note 18 – Amounts withheld from NCMI or Excluded from NCMI are not shown here.

Continue to: Guidance notes
