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Find out what's new for trusts to include in the AMMA statement or SDS.

Last updated 9 August 2023

Find out what's new for trusts to include in the AMMA statement or SDS.

Corporate collective investment vehicles

The Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework and Other Measures Act 2022 establishes the regulatory and tax frameworks for corporate collective investment vehicles (CCIVs).

The CCIV tax framework leverages the existing trust taxation framework and the existing attribution flow-through regime (that is, the Attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) regime), rather than by creating a new bespoke tax regime.

This document has been updated for the start of the Corporate collective investment vehicle (CCIV) regime on 1 July 2022.

References to AMITs equally apply to attribution CCIV sub-fund trusts in an income year. Attribution CCIV sub-fund trusts for an income year will provide AMMA statements to their investors. A CCIV sub-fund trust that cannot access attribution treatment for an income year will provide a SDS to its investors.

Continue to: Basis of an AMMA statement or SDS
