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What's new for the AMMA statement or SDS?

Find out what's new in legislation or other changes for trusts to consider when lodging the AMMA statement or SDS.

Published 4 June 2024

In the AMMA statement or SDS for 2024, we:

  • Updated wording throughout to align the AMMA statement and SDS guide with the Full Federal Court's decision in Burton v Commissioner of Taxation [2019] FCAFC 141 (Burton) and in line with the Burton Enduring Solution, as co-developed with Industry, including
    • Updated guidance on how foreign capital gains and any foreign income tax offsets attached to foreign capital gains are reported to members in the AMMA statement and to unitholders in the SDS.
    • Updated wording in 'Notes' throughout.
  • New guidance is provided throughout to facilitate standardised industry reporting of foreign income tax offsets arising from foreign capital gains. We understand system updates to implement the standardised reporting may take time. In the interim, Industry should ensure members have sufficient information to fulfil their lodgment obligations (See, Guidance note 5).
  • Updates have been made to tables to rectify calculation errors.

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