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Description of main business activity

Last updated 24 March 2021

Describe as accurately as possible the business activity from which the AMIT derived most of its gross income, for example, investing in shares and stocks or investing in residential property. Do not use general descriptions such as investing.

Industry code

Show the appropriate industry code for the AMIT’s main business. Use the Business industry code tool to search by the business activity description to find the correct code. The industry code is made up of five digits. For example, if the industry is ‘commercial non-residential property investment’, the code to show on the tax return is 67120.

An incorrect code may result in taxpayers not receiving a necessary service or material from us, or could lead to incorrect targeting of audits. The industry code provided is also used to publish industry benchmarks in taxation statistics.

The industry coding regime used by us is a modified version of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) produced jointly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand.

See also:

Credit for interest on early payments – amount of interest

Early payment interest is only due if you pay the tax more than 14 days before the due date for payment. Enter only the calculated interest amount of 50 cents or more at this label; do not show actual payments.

Amounts that may attract early payment interest include payments of:

  • income tax (including Medicare levy)
  • a shortfall interest charge.

Amounts that are not directly paid but are reduced by the crediting or applying of an amount do not attract early payment interest. These amounts include:

  • credit for instalments payable under the PAYG instalment regime
  • credit for amounts withheld from withholding payments under the PAYG withholding regime
  • an overpayment of other income tax liabilities
  • a running balance account (RBA) surplus
  • any other credit entitlement arising under a taxation law.

Early payment interest is also not payable on:

  • any component of the payment that exceeds the amount due
  • an amount for any period during which that amount also attracts interest on overpayment.

Where the trustee of an AMIT is liable to pay tax, early payment interest is calculated from the later of:

  • the date of issue of the notice notifying the amount of tax or interest, or
  • the date the early payment is made.

Interest is payable up to the due date for payment, but only on the amount of payment up to the value of the debt.

Where an amount that is paid early is refunded before the day it becomes due and payable, interest does not accrue on the amount for any period after the day it is refunded.

Date of payment is the date:

  • shown on the receipt from us or the post office, or
  • the payment is posted to us, plus three days, or
  • shown on the taxpayer’s bank statement where payment is made through direct debit, that is, electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Table 5 Interest rates for early payments calculation


Interest rate (p.a.)

1 July 2015 to 30 September 2015


1 October 2015 to 31 December 2015


1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016


1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016


If the early payment extends over two or more interest periods, calculate the interest for the number of days in each period.

Interest is calculated as follows:

Interest = (number of days ÷ 365 days) × amount of payment × interest rate for period

Note: 366 days for a leap year.

Keep a record of the amount of early payment interest claimed. This interest is assessable as income in the income year it is paid or credited against another liability.
