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How these instructions can help you to complete the AMIT tax return 2022.

Last updated 25 May 2022

How these instructions can help you to complete the AMIT tax return 2022.

Using the AMIT instructions

The Attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) tax return instructions 2022 will help you complete the AMIT tax return for 2022. They are not a guide to income tax law. These instructions also cover how to complete schedules that trusts may need to attach to their tax return.

For instructions on how to lodge the AMIT tax return, see Lodgment.

When we say you or your business in these instructions, we mean either:

  • you as the trustee of the AMIT, or
  • you as the registered tax agent responsible for completing the tax return.

References to the AMIT, where applicable, are references to the trustee in their capacity as trustee of the AMIT.

These instructions contain abbreviations for names or technical terms. Each term is spelled out in full the first time it is used. You can also refer to the list of abbreviations.

Download a visual representation of Attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) tax return 2022 (PDF 941KB)This link will download a file.

Continue to: A tax system for managed investment trusts
