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Separate AMIT treatment

Last updated 25 May 2022

Instructions to follow if you have chosen to treat separate classes in the trust as a separate AMIT.

Have you chosen to treat separate classes in the trust as a separate AMIT?

If the AMIT has made an irrevocable election to treat separate classes of interests in the trust as separate AMITs, answer Yes. Otherwise, answer No.

If you answered Yes then complete the next two questions below. Otherwise go to Capital account election.

How many separate classes does the trust have?

If the AMIT has made an irrevocable election to treat separate classes of interests in the trust as separate AMITs, enter the number of classes in the trust that are treated as separate AMITs for the income year.

Have you transferred assets between classes during this income year?

If the separate AMITs have transferred separately identified assets between the classes during the income year, answer Yes to this question. Otherwise, answer No.

For more information about making a choice to treat each of the classes of membership interests as a separate AMIT, see LCR 2015/5 Attribution Managed Investment Trusts: choice to treat separate classes as separate AMITs. You may also need to complete a Separate AMIT classes.

Continue to: Capital account election
