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Motor vehicle expenses

Last updated 25 May 2009

Did you have motor vehicle expenses in your business?


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Read on.

You need to know

Questions D1 and D2 in TaxPack 2007 (NAT 0976-6.2007) tell you more about the expenses you can claim.

Do not include depreciation, finance leasing charges or interest paid. You should include these at M Depreciation expenses, J Lease expenses, Q Interest expenses within Australia or R Interest expenses overseas item P8 on your schedule.

Completing this item

Step 1 Write your total primary production motor vehicle expenses at Motor vehicle expenses in the Primary production column, item P8 on page 3 of your schedule. Do not show cents.

Step 2 Write your total non-primary production motor vehicle expenses at Motor vehicle expenses in the Non-primary production column. Do not show cents.

Step 3 Add up your primary production and non-primary production motor vehicle expenses and write the total at N item P8 on your schedule.

Step 4 If you worked out the amount you are claiming for motor vehicle expenses using one of the four methods described in question D1 in TaxPack 2007, find the code letter that identifies the method you used and print it in the TYPE box at the right of the amount at N.

If you are claiming motor vehicle expenses other than for a car - see question D2 in TaxPack 2007 - print the code letter N in the TYPE box at the right of the amount at N.

If you have more than one code, print the code that applies to the largest claim.
