Go to:
- to find out more about all the concessions available to small business entities
- to find out more about the CGT concessions for small business entities
- to find out about our range of online services, including Online services for business
- Link for easy access to business information, services and transactions with government. There are links to ATO applications to
- register for an Australian business number (ABN)
- register for goods and services tax (GST)
- apply for a tax file number.
Phone us on:
- 13 28 66 for general business enquiries, for information about most small business tax matters, including
- pay as you go (PAYG) instalments
- amounts withheld from wages
- business deductions
- lodging and paying activity statements
- activity statement accounts
- wine equalisation tax
- luxury car tax
- fringe benefits tax
- matters for non-profit organisations
- 13 10 20 for superannuation enquiries, for information about
- superannuation guarantee
- choice of superannuation fund
- superannuation co-contribution
- 13 28 61 for general personal tax enquiries, for information about individual income tax
- 1300 720 092 to order our publications.
For more publications about how capital gains tax works, see:
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2011–12 (NAT 3359)
- Guide to capital gains tax 2011–12 (NAT 4151)
- Guide to depreciating assets 2011–12 (NAT 1996)
- Taxation Ruling TR 2002/10 Income tax: capital gains tax: asset register
- Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2005–06
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2005–06
- Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2006–07
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2006–07
- Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2007–08
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2007–08
- Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2008–09
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2008–09
- Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2009–10
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2009–10
- Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2010–11
- Advanced guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business 2010–2011
Find out more:
Free seminars
We run small business seminars on a range of topics, including GST, PAYG, activity statements and record keeping.
To find a seminar near you or to make a booking:
- phone 1300 661 104.
Alternatively, you may also want to discuss your capital gains tax situation with your tax advisor.
Other services
If you do not speak English well and need help from us, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50.
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, phone us through the National Relay Service (NRS) on the numbers listed below:
- TTY users, phone 13 36 77 and ask for the ATO number you need
- Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users, phone 1300 555 727 and ask for the ATO number you need
- internet relay users, connect to the NRSExternal Link and ask for the ATO number you need.