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The 'other' method

Last updated 24 February 2020

This is the simplest of the three methods. You must use the 'other' method to calculate your capital gain if you have bought and sold your asset within

12 months or generally for CGT events that do not involve an asset. In these cases, the indexation and discount methods do not apply.

Generally, to use the 'other' method, you simply subtract your cost base (what the asset cost you) from your capital proceeds (how much you sold it for). The amount of proceeds left is your capital gain. For some types of CGT events, a cost base is not relevant. In these cases, the particular CGT event explains the amounts to use.

Start of example

Example: Calculating a capital gain using the 'other' method

Marie-Anne bought a property for $150,000 under a contract dated 24 June 2002. The contract provided for the payment of a deposit of $15,000 on that date, with the balance of $135,000 to be paid on settlement on 5 August 2002.

Marie-Anne paid stamp duty of $5,000 on 20 July 2002. On 5 August 2002, she received an account for solicitors fees of $2,000 which she paid as part of the settlement process.

Contracts for the sale of the property for $215,000 were exchanged on 15 October 2002. Marie-Anne incurred costs of $1,500 in solicitors fees and $4,000 in agents commission.

As she bought and sold her property within 12 months, Marie-Anne must use the 'other' method to calculate her capital gain.





Stamp duty


Solicitors fees for purchase of property


Solicitors fees for sale of property


Agents commission


Cost base (total)


Marie-Anne works out her capital gain as follows:

Capital proceeds


less cost base


Capital gain calculated using the 'other' method


Assuming Marie-Anne has not made any other capital losses or capital gains in the 2002-03 income year and does not have any prior year net capital losses, the net capital gain to be included at item 17 on her tax return is $52,500 (item 9 if she uses the tax return for retirees).

End of example
