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Last updated 3 March 2016

A capital gain or capital loss may be deferred or disregarded – rolled over – until a later CGT event happens. The types of rollover available are listed here; however, only the following four types are covered in this guide. If you would like information on the others, please contact the Tax Office.

Marriage breakdown

In certain cases where an asset or a share of an asset is transferred from one spouse to another after their marriage breaks down, any CGT is deferred until a later CGT event happens (for example, when the former spouse sells the asset to someone else). For more examples of how CGT obligations are affected by marriage breakdown, go to chapter 8.

Loss, destruction or compulsory acquisition of an asset

You may defer a capital gain in some cases where a CGT asset has been lost or destroyed or is compulsorily acquired (see chapter 7).


You may be able to defer a capital gain if you dispose of your shares in a company or interest in a trust as a result of a takeover (see chapter 5).


You may be able to defer a capital gain or capital loss if a CGT event happens to your shares in a company or interest in a trust as a result of a demerger (see chapter 5).
