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Capital gain calculation methods

Last updated 3 March 2016

Method type

Indexation method

Discount method

'Other' method

Description of method

Allows you to increase the cost base by applying an indexation factor based on CPI up to September 1999

Allows you to discount your capital gain

Basic method of subtracting the cost base from the capital proceeds

When to use the method

Use for an asset owned for 12 months or more if it produces a better result than the discount method. Use only for assets acquired before 11.45am (by legal time in the ACT) on 21 September 1999.

Use for an asset owned for 12 months or more if it produces a better result than the indexation method.

Use when the indexation and discount methods do not apply (for example, if you have bought and sold an asset within 12 months).

How to calculate your capital gain using the method

Apply the relevant indexation factor (see CPI table at appendix 2, then subtract the indexed cost base from the capital proceeds (see worked example for Val )

Subtract the cost base from the capital proceeds, deduct any capital losses, then reduce by the relevant discount percentage (see worked example for Val)

Subtract the cost base (or the amount specified by the relevant CGT event) from the capital proceeds (see worked example for Marie-Anne)
