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Step 4 – how to complete the CGT schedule

Last updated 3 March 2016

Your entity must complete a CGT schedule for the 2003–04 income year if:

  • the total current year capital gains are greater than $10,000, or
  • the total current year capital losses are greater than $10,000.

Consolidated groups

Where a group consolidates during the income year, the head company must lodge a CGT schedule if the total capital gains or total capital losses that it makes – as head company of the consolidated group and while not a member of a consolidated group – are greater than $10,000.

An entity that becomes a subsidiary member of a consolidated group during the income year – and remains a subsidiary member at the end of the income year - is not required to lodge a CGT schedule, regardless of the amount of any capital gains or capital losses it makes.

If your entity is required to complete a CGT schedule, attach it to your entity's 2003–04 tax return. Only one CGT schedule should be lodged with your entity's tax return.

If you are lodging a paper tax return and CGT schedule, please use the preprinted Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule 2004. To get extra copies of the preprinted schedule, phone our Publications Distribution Service on the number listed under more information.

You need to follow these instructions carefully to make sure you complete your entity's CGT schedule correctly. All relevant parts of the CGT schedule, including parts J to P must be completed.

Print your entity's TFN, name and Australian business number in the boxes provided. The CGT schedule must be signed in the same way that the 2003–04 tax return is signed.

Take the following steps to transfer the relevant information from your CGT summary worksheet (PDF 205KB)This link will download a file.
