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Part B - Completing the capital gains section of your tax return

Use these steps to complete the capital gains section of your tax return.

Last updated 8 March 2010

  • item 18 of the Tax return for individuals (supplementary section) 2009

Read this first

Are you an individual?

If you are completing a tax return on behalf of an individual (rather than an entity), read this part of the guide.

If you need help completing the:

Is your entity a company, trust or fund?

If the tax return is for a company, trust or fund, go to part C of this guide.


Read part B if you are an individual and a CGT event happened in 2008-09 or you received a distribution from a trust (including a managed fund) that included a net capital gain.

If you have sold only a few shares or units, or have a managed fund distribution, you may find it easier to use the Personal investors guide to capital gains tax 2009.

The steps that follow explain how to calculate your net capital gain or net capital loss for 2008-09 and complete item 18 Capital gains on your Tax return for individuals (supplementary section) 2009.

Individuals, including individual partners in a partnership, who lodge using a paper tax return, are not required to complete a CGT schedule.

Chapter 2 in part A explains how to calculate a capital gain or capital loss for each CGT event or asset using the Capital gain or capital loss worksheet (PDF, 96KB). For most individuals, this worksheet is all you will need to work out what needs to be included at item 18 on your tax return (supplementary section). Make copies of the worksheet if you need more than one. If you need help completing the Capital gain or capital loss worksheet, read step 1 in part C (ignore the word 'entity').

If you have a number of the Capital gain or capital loss worksheets because several CGT events happened, you may wish to use the CGT summary worksheet (PDF, 210KB) to help you calculate your net capital gain or net capital loss. Read steps 2 and 3 in part C of this guide (ignoring the word 'entity') to find out how to complete the summary worksheet. Then complete item 18 on your tax return (supplementary section).

New terms

We may use some terms that are new to you. These words are explained in Definitions. Generally, they are also explained in detail in the section where they first appear.
