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About this guide

Check when to use this guide. Small business concessions and terms used in this guide.

Last updated 5 October 2009

What this guide is designed to do

This guide is designed for a personal investor who has made a capital gain or capital loss from shares, units or managed funds in 2002-03. It explains the capital gains tax consequences of:

  • the sale or gift (or other disposal) of shares or units
  • the receipt of distributions of capital gains from managed funds, and
  • the receipt of non-assessable payments from companies or managed funds.

It will help you complete:

  • item 17 Capital gains on your 2003 tax return for individuals (supplementary section) shown below, or
  • item 9 if you use the 2003 tax return for retirees. Note: You cannot use the 2003 tax return for retirees if you had a distribution from a managed fund during the year.

17 Capital gains
G Did you have a capital gains tax event during the year? No or Yes
A Net capital gain
H Total current year capital gains
V Net capital losses carried forward to later income years

If you sold or otherwise disposed of shares or units in a unit trust (including a managed fund) in 2002-03, you should read part A of this guide, then work through part B.

If you received a distribution of a capital gain from a managed fund in 2002-03, you should read part A of this guide, then work through part C.

Managed funds include property trusts, share trusts, equity trusts, growth trusts, imputation trusts and balanced trusts.

What this guide is not designed to do

This guide does not apply to gains or losses included as part of your income under other provisions of the tax law-for example, if you are a share trader. In addition, it does not explain more complex issues relating to shares (including employee shares), convertible notes and units. Nor does it apply to shares and units owned by companies, trusts and superannuation funds.

Also, this guide does not cover your capital gains tax consequences when you sell other assets such as:

  • a rental property
  • collectables (for example, jewellery, art, antiques and collections), and
  • assets for personal use (for example, a boat you use for recreation).

For these, refer to the Guide to capital gains tax.

Small business concessions

If you are involved in the sale of shares or units in relation to a small business, you may wish to get the publication Guide to capital gains tax concessions for small business.

New terms

We may use some terms that are not familiar to you. These words are printed in red the first time they are used and are explained in Explanation of terms.

If this guide does not fully cover your circumstances, please:
