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Calculation statement labels C, T2, D and T3

Instructions to complete the labels C, T2, D and T3 of the calculation statement.

Last updated 18 December 2023

C – Non-refundable non-carry forward tax offsets

Write at C the total of actual rebates and tax offsets available (in dollars and cents) and not the amounts giving rise to those tax offsets.

The rebates and tax offsets shown at C are not refundable, nor are they carried forward. They are only offset against gross tax. Gross tax cannot be less than zero. If these tax offsets are greater than the gross tax, the excess tax offsets cannot be used and are lost.

Tax offsets to be shown at C include:

Calculation element


Allowable franking tax offsets for the income year. The amount claimed here should include the share of franking credits included in gross distributions from partnerships and gross distributions from trusts, the amount recorded at J Franking credits item 7 and the amount recorded at C Australian franking credits from a New Zealand company item 7. If the shares or relevant interest are not held at risk as required under the holding period and related payments rules, or there is other manipulation of the imputation system, there is no entitlement to a franking tax offset.


Tax offsets for bonuses and certain other amounts received under short-term life insurance policies taken out after 27 August 1982


Foreign income tax offset (the amount at J item 20)

(Subject to some transitional rules)

For more information, see 20 Foreign income tax offset.


Total of all non-refundable non-carry forward tax offsets (write this amount at C)


Do not show at C any FDT offset; write this amount at F Franking deficit tax offset.

Keep a record of the following:

  • for each type of tax offset                
    • the amount claimed for each type
  • for franking tax offsets              
    • the distribution statement, which contains the                
      • name of the payer
      • date the dividend was received or credited
      • franked amount of the dividend
      • unfranked amount of the dividend
      • franking credit allocated to the dividend
      • amount of franking credit tax offsets allowable for each franked dividend received
      • franking percentage of the dividend
    • and other records to substantiate                
      • deductions relating to dividends
      • the type of distribution: for example, foreign source dividend, bonus shares, phasing-out dividend, liquidator’s distribution
      • the dates on which shares, for which dividends were received and tax offsets claimed, were acquired and disposed of
  • for short-term life insurance policies                
    • a copy of the policy
    • the amount of the bonus included in assessable income under section 26AH of the ITAA 1936.

T2 – Subtotal 1

Write at T2 the amount of tax payable after C has been offset against B Gross tax.

T2 cannot be less than zero.

Work out the amount at T2 as follows.

  • If the amount at C is less than the amount at B                
    • take C away from B
    • write the result at T2.
  • If the amount at C is more than or equal to the amount at B                
    • write zero at T2T3T4 and T5
    • the amount at D and F may be carried forward to a later income year (subject to the tax offset carry forward rules in Division 65 of the ITAA 1997)
    • copy the total amount at E to I.

Example 16a

Dark Blue Co. Pty Ltd, a base rate entity, has the following amounts entered into its company tax return:

Tax return information





Taxable income



Gross tax (25%)



Non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset



Subtotal 1



Subtotal 2



Subtotal 3






Tax offset refunds (remainder of refundable tax offsets)



Amount due or refundable


The lower company tax rate of 25% has been applied in this example.

Dark Blue Co. Pty Ltd has an entitlement of $2,000 of non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset to be used to offset against $2,500 gross tax.

  • Tax payable has been reduced to $500.
  • T3T4 and T5 should also show $500, indicating that no other offsets are available to be used.
  • I must also show $0.
End of example


Example 16b

Light Blue Co. Pty Ltd, a base rate entity, has the following amounts entered into its company tax return:

Tax return information





Taxable income



Gross tax (25%)



Non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset



Subtotal 1



Subtotal 2



Subtotal 3






Tax offset refunds (remainder of refundable tax offsets)



Amount due or refundable


The lower company tax rate of 25% has been applied in this example.

Light Blue Co. Pty Ltd has an entitlement of $4,000 of non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset to be used to offset against $2,500 gross tax.

  • Tax payable has been reduced to $0.
  • Light Blue Co. Pty Ltd will have $1,500 of non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset remaining that it will lose as tax payable has been reduced to $0.
  • T3T4T5 and I must also show $0.
End of example

D – Non-refundable carry forward tax offsets

Write at D the total of actual tax offsets available (in dollars and cents) and not the amounts giving rise to those tax offsets.

The tax offsets shown at D are not refundable. They are only offset against gross tax, if there is any gross tax to be paid after C has been applied to gross tax. Gross tax cannot be less than zero. Any excess offsets can be carried forward to a later income year (subject to the tax offset carry forward rules in Division 65 of the ITAA 1997).

Before you can apply a tax offset carried forward from a prior year to reduce the amount of income tax that you will pay, you must apply it to reduce certain amounts of net exempt income. Net exempt income is reduced by $1 for each 25 cents of the tax offset if the company is a base rate entity for the year, otherwise $1 for each 30 cents of the tax offset.

Tax offsets to be shown at D include:

Tax offsets


Landcare and water facility tax offset carried forward from prior years


Early stage venture capital limited partnership tax offset (the amount at L item 22)


Early stage venture capital limited partnership tax offset carried forward from previous year (the amount at P item 22)


Early stage investor tax offset (the amount at M item 23)


Early stage investor tax offset carried forward from previous year (the amount at R item 23)


Non-refundable R&D tax offset (the amount at A item 21)


Non-refundable R&D tax offset carried forward from previous year (the amount at B item 21)


Total of all non-refundable carry forward tax offsets (write this amount at D)


T3 – Subtotal 2

Write at T3 the amount of tax payable after D has been offset against T2.

T3 cannot be less than zero.

Work out the amount at T3 as follows.

  • If the amount at D is less than the amount at T2                
    • take D away from T2
    • write the result at T3.
  • If the amount at D is more than or equal to the amount at T2                
    • write zero at T3T4 and T5
    • the difference between T2 and D (take T2 away from D) may be carried forward to a later income year (subject to the tax offset carry forward rules in Division 65 of the ITAA 1997)
    • the amount at F may be carried forward to a later income year
    • copy the total amount at E to I.

Example 17a

Dark Green Co. Pty Ltd, a base rate entity has the following amounts entered into its company tax return:

Tax return information





Taxable income



Gross tax (25%)



Non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset



Subtotal 1



Non-refundable carry forward tax offset



Subtotal 2



Subtotal 3






Tax offset refunds (remainder of refundable tax offsets)



Amount due or refundable


The lower company tax rate of 25% has been applied in this example.

Dark Green Co. Pty Ltd has an entitlement of $3,000 of non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset and $1,800 of non-refundable carry forward tax offset to be used to offset against $5,000 gross tax.

  • Tax payable has been reduced to $200.
  • T4 and T5 should also show $200, indicating that no other offsets are available to be used.
  • I must also show $0.
End of example


Example 17b

Light Green Co. Pty Ltd, a base rate entity, has the following amounts entered into its company tax return:

Tax return information





Taxable income



Gross tax (25%)



Non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset



Subtotal 1



Non-refundable carry forward tax offset



Subtotal 2



Subtotal 3






Tax offset refunds (Remainder of refundable tax offsets)



Amount due or refundable


The lower company tax rate of 25% has been applied in this example.

Light Green Co. Pty Ltd has an entitlement of $2,800 of non-refundable non-carry forward tax offset and $4,000 of non-refundable carry forward tax offset to be used to offset its gross tax to $0.

  • Light Green Co. Pty Ltd will have $1,800 of non-refundable carry forward tax offset remaining that can be carried over to the next income year (subject to the tax offset carry forward rules in Division 65 of the ITAA 1997), as tax payable has been reduced to $0.
  • T4T5 and I must also show $0.
End of example

Continue to: Calculation statement labels E, T4 and F
