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Information statement – items 6 to 25

Instructions for how to complete the labels for items 6 to 25 of the company tax return.

Last updated 19 December 2023

6. Calculation of total profit or loss
Instruction to help you understand what to report at item 6 Income and item 6 expenses.

6. Income
Instructions to complete the income portion of the calculation of total profit and loss.

6. Expenses
Instructions to complete the expenses portion of the calculation of total profit and loss.

7. Reconciliation to taxable income or loss
Instructions to complete your reconciliation to taxable income or loss.

8. Financial and other information
Instructions to complete your financial and other information.

9. Capital allowances
Instructions to complete your capital allowances.

10. Small business entity simplified depreciation
Instructions to complete this item if you are a small business entity using the simplified depreciation rules.

11. Consolidation deductions
Instructions for consolidation deductions relating to rights to future income, consumable stores and work in progress.

12. National rental affordability scheme
Instructions to complete your entitlement to a national rental affordability scheme (NRAS) tax offset.

13. Losses information
Instructions to complete any losses you had to carry forward to later income years.

14. Personal services income
Instructions to complete personal services income included in the company's income.

15. Licensed clubs only
Instructions to complete the income attributable to non-members of licensed clubs.

16. Life insurance companies and friendly societies only
Instructions to complete life insurance companies and friendly societies amounts.

18. Pooled development funds
Instructions to complete pooled development fund amounts.

19. Retirement savings accounts (RSAs) providers only
Instructions for retirement savings accounts (RSAs) providers only, to complete labels U to V.

20. Foreign income tax offset
Instructions to complete your foreign income tax offset.

21. Research and development tax incentive
Instructions to complete research and development (R&D) tax incentives.

22. Early stage venture capital limited partnership tax offset
Instructions to complete the early stage venture capital limited partnership (ESVCLP) tax offset.

23. Early stage investor tax offset
Instruction to complete the early stage investor tax offset.

25. Reportable tax position
Instruction to complete item 25 if you need to lodge the reportable tax position schedule.

Instruction to help you understand what to report at item 6 Income and item 6 expenses.

Use these instructions to complete the expenses portion of the calculation of total profit and loss.

Instructions to complete your reconciliation to taxable income or loss.

Instructions to complete your financial and other information.

Instructions to complete your capital allowances.

Instructions to complete this item if you are a small business entity using the simplified depreciation rules.

Instructions to complete your entitlement to a national rental affordability scheme (NRAS) tax offset.

Instructions to complete any losses you had to carry forward to later income years.

Instructions to complete personal services income included in the company's income.

Instructions to complete the income attributable to non-members of licensed clubs.

Instructions to complete life insurance companies and friendly societies amounts.

Instructions to complete pooled development fund amounts.

Instructions for retirement savings accounts (RSAs) providers only, to complete labels U to V.

Instructions to complete your foreign income tax offset.

Instructions to complete research and development (R&D) tax incentives.

Instructions to complete the early stage venture capital limited partnership (ESVCLP) tax offset.
