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5 Country-by-country reporting entities – GPFS obligation

Instructions to help you with GPFS obligations.

Published 30 May 2024

About country-by-country reporting entities

Country-by-country (CBC) reporting entities that are corporate tax entities are required to give the Commissioner a general purpose financial statement (GPFS) if they:

  • are Australian residents or foreign residents operating an Australian permanent establishment at the end of the income year, and
  • don't lodge a GPFS with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) within the time provided under subsection 319(3) of the Corporations Act 2001.

The GPFS must be for the financial year that most closely corresponds to the income year, and it must be given to the Commissioner by the time the entity is required to lodge its tax return.

GPFSs can't be lodged with the tax return and must be lodged through Online services for business.

Item 5 – label A

Have you lodged a general purpose financial statement with ASIC in relation to this income year (before the due date for lodgment of the statement with ASIC)?

Print X in the appropriate box, either Yes or No.

Print X in the box, Yes if you have lodged a GPFS with ASIC on or before the due date(s) for lodgment of the statement with ASIC and your income tax return. The GPFS must be for the financial year that most closely corresponds to this income year. You don't need to answer item 5 – label B.

Print X in the box, No in all other circumstances. You must answer item 5 – label B.

Item 5 – label B

Will you be lodging a general purpose financial statement with ASIC in relation to this income year (before the due date for lodgment of the statement with ASIC)?

Print X in the appropriate box, either Yes or No.

Print X in the box, Yes if you intend to lodge a GPFS with ASIC on or before the due date(s) for lodgment of the statement with ASIC and your income tax return. The GPFS must be for the financial year that most closely corresponds to this income year.

Print X in the box, No in all other circumstances.

You must lodge a GPFS with the ATO on or before the due date for lodgment of your income tax return if you have not already lodged a GPFS with the ATO for the income year.

Continue to: Information statement – items 6 to 14

Return to: Instructions to complete the Company tax return 2024

