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Completing the consolidated losses schedule

Last updated 25 May 2022

Instructions for completing parts A, B, C, D, E and F of the Consolidated groups losses schedule.

Entity details
Instructions to complete the entity details on the schedule.

Part A Tax losses and net capital losses consolidated – excludes film losses
Instructions to complete the items 1 to 11 in Part A of the Consolidated losses schedule.

Part B Cancellation of transfer of losses
Instructions to complete the items 1 and 2 in Part B of the Consolidated losses schedule.

Part C Ownership test and business continuity test
Instructions to complete the items 1 to 3 in Part C of the Consolidated losses schedule.

Part D Life insurance companies
Instructions to complete the labels T and U in Part D of the Consolidated losses schedule.

Part E Controlled foreign company losses
Instructions to complete the labels N, O and P in Part D of the consolidated losses schedule.

Part F Tax losses reconciliation for consolidated groups
Instructions to complete the labels A to K and L in Part F of the Consolidated losses schedule.

Taxpayer's declaration
Instructions for completing the taxpayers' declaration.

More information
Information on publications and for assistance with completing the Consolidated groups losses schedule 2022.
