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Guide to depreciating assets 2024

Guide to claiming the decline in value of capital assets used in gaining assessable income, such as a car or machinery.

Published 30 May 2024

How to download a copy of the guide to depreciating assets.

Depreciating assets, deductions and uniform capital allowances rules, working out decline in value and effective life.

About uniform capital allowances and steps to follow to work out your deduction.

Depreciating assets, who can claim them, work out the decline in value and when you can claim an immediate deduction.

Find out what happens if you no longer hold or use a depreciating asset.

About low value pools, when you can allocate depreciating assets and how to work out the decline in value.

About in-house software and claiming a decline in value deduction under UCA.

When the taxation of financial arrangements rules apply to you and your depreciating assets.

Depreciating assets used in primary production and the special rules for working out the decline in value.

When you can claim capital expenditure deductions under uniform capital allowances.

Eligibility for small business entity concessions, simplified depreciation rules and rollover relief.

When certain start-up expenses are immediately deductible under Section 40-880.

Records to keep for depreciating assets, low-value pools and rollover relief available under UCA.

Definitions for the most commonly used uniform capital allowances terms.

Get the worksheets and worksheet guidelines for depreciating assets and low-value pools.
