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Effective life review application form

Complete this form to apply for a review of the effective life of the assets used in your business and industry.

Published 11 June 2024

When to use this form

Complete this form to apply for a review of the effective life of the assets used in your business and industry.

You may not need to request a review if the effective life of an asset has already been determined by us. For more information, visit Effective life of a depreciating asset.

Get participants for the review

The entity applying for the review will require the details of at least 5 other entities that have agreed to participate in the effective life review. This is to ensure our determination covers assets commonly used by the industry and reflects current industry practices and expectations. Having more participants means we are better able to account for factors such as asset quality, age, hours of use and location, where variations may occur across participants. This will allow us to determine a more accurate and fairer effective life.

Your industry association may be able to help to engage entities in your industry to participate in the review.

Information you'll need

You'll need the following information to complete the form:

  • details of the entity applying
  • details of each entity that has agreed to participate
  • information about the assets for which an effective life determination is required.

Where to get a copy of this form

To get a copy of the form you can either:

How to lodge this form

Email the completed form to

