A warehouse is a section 79 licensed place as defined in the Customs Act 1901.
By premises, we mean the premises that are to be licensed.
Other customable goods are all other imported goods that are subject to customs duties, including customable wine products.
By fuel and petroleum products, we mean goods such as:
- crude oil and condensate
- petroleum fuels – such as petrol, diesel
- bio-fuels – such as biodiesel, ethanol
- solvents – such as white spirits, mineral turpentine
- lubricants – such as oils and greases
- gaseous fuels – such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG).
Note: Do not complete this form if you want to apply for any other type of customs licence, or are dealing in imported goods of any kind (including EEGs), and are in the duty-free, providore or flight catering bond industries. You will need to contact the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service regarding your application.
If you are applying for a licence for the first time, contact us about excise and EEGs to discuss your circumstances before completing the application.