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Completing the Franking account tax return

Last updated 5 July 2023

Instructions for completing sections A, B, C, the payment slip and declaration of the Franking account tax return.

Section A – entity information
Complete all the labels in section A of the form.

Section B – Franking deficit tax and over-franking tax
Complete labels in section B of the form if you have a franking tax deficit or over-franking tax amount.

Section C – Significant variation in benchmark franking percentage
Complete the benchmark franking periods and percentages at section C of the form.

Payment slip
Complete the payment slip for total tax payable from section B on the form.

Declaration and other information
Find out who can sign the form and when penalties and interest apply.

Complete labels in section B of the form if you have a franking tax deficit or over-franking tax amount.

Complete the benchmark franking periods and percentages at section C of the form.

Find out who can sign the form and when penalties and interest apply.
