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Lodging the tax return, schedules and other documents

Last updated 12 July 2020

The only postal address for lodgment of this tax return is:

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9845
[insert the name and postcode of your capital city]

For example;

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9845

The following are the only schedules that are to be sent with the tax return:

  • Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule 2008 (NAT 3423)
  • Capital allowances schedule instructions 2008 (NAT 4089)
  • Losses schedule 2008 (NAT 3425)
  • Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2000 (NAT 3422)
  • Thin capitalisation schedule 2008
  • any elections required by Taxation Ruling IT 2624 - Income tax: company self assessment; elections and other notifications; additional (penalty) tax; false or misleading statement.

You may have to complete other schedules or documents which are to be kept with your records and should not be sent with the tax return. These are further described at Record-keeping requirements. Keep these with the fund's tax records.
