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Publications, Tax Determinations and Rulings

Last updated 12 July 2020


Tax determinations and tax rulings

  • IT 2624 Income tax: company self-assessment; elections and other notifications; additional (penalty) tax; false or misleading statement
  • Taxation Determination TD 1999/6 Income tax: what is the purpose of sections 279E and 289A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936)?
  • Taxation Determination TD 2007/2 Income tax: should a taxpayer who has incurred a loss or made a net capital loss for an income year retain records relevant to the ascertainment of that loss only for the record retention period prescribed under income tax law?
  • Taxation Determination TD 2007/3 Income tax: is a deduction allowable to complying superannuation funds under section 279 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, for insurance premiums attributable to the provision of benefits for members in the event of temporary disability longer than two years?
  • Taxation Ruling TR 96/7 Income tax: record keeping - section 262A - general principles
  • Taxation Ruling TR 97/25 Income tax: property development - deduction for capital expenditure on construction of income producing capital works, including buildings and structural improvements
  • Taxation Ruling TR 2005/9 Income tax: record keeping - electronic records
  • Taxation Ruling TR 2006/7 Income tax: special income derived by a complying superannuation fund, a complying approved deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust in relation to the year of income
  • Taxation Ruling TR 2007/3 Income tax: effective life of depreciating assets (applicable from 1 July 2007)
