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I Total amount due or refundable

Last updated 12 July 2020

Write at I the balance of tax payable or refundable as indicated on the tax return.

The amount at I does not take into account any interim or voluntary payments that the fund has made against its income tax liability for the 2007-08 income year. If the fund has made such payments, take these into account in calculating the final payment, but do not write the amounts on this tax return.

After the fund's tax return is processed and its tax liability is assessed, we will issue a notice of assessment. If an amount is payable, we will indicate a due date for payment and methods of payment.

We do not require a payment when the tax return is lodged. However, if you prefer to make payment at this time, please refer to How to pay.

Record keeping

Funds must keep all documentation issued by financial institutions detailing payments of income and any TFN amounts deducted from those payments.

They must also maintain details of any TFN amounts deducted from an income payment made to the funds and subsequently refunded by their financial institution. Funds must keep a record of the following details of refund receipts:

  • the amount of refund received
  • the date of refund, and
  • the investment reference number - for example, bank account number of investment relating to refund.

Example 6: Completing income tax calculation

Start of example

Example 6a: Refund position - non-complying superannuation fund

The example below, illustrates a straight forward calculation for a non-complying superannuation fund.

Taxable income Label A: $14,000
Gross tax Label B: $6,300
less Rebates, offsets, foreign credits Label C: $3,000
Subtotal Label D: $3,300
plus Section 102AAM interest charge Label E: $50
less eligible credits Label F: $200
less PAYG instalments label G: $4,000

Credit foreign tax credit label C1: $1,500
Credit rebates and tax offsets label C2: $1,500
Credit interest on early payments label F1: $10
Credit foreign resident withholding label F2: $90
Credit no ABN/TFN quoted (non-individuals) label F3: $50
Credit refundable franking credits label F4: $50

Total amount refundable label  I $850

End of example
Start of example

Example 6b: Payable position - complying superannuation fund

Foreign tax credits and rebates and tax offsets cannot be offset against the gross tax amount in so far that it will result in a negative amount at D. In the example below, the 'rebates, offsets, foreign credits' (C) exceed the 'gross tax payable' (B) by $400. This amount cannot be used to offset the final liability of $320 (I).

 Credit foreign tax credit label C1: $1,000 Credit rebates and tax offsets label C2: $1,500 Credit interest on early payments label F1: $20 Credit foreign resident withholding label F2: $10 Credit no ABN/TFN quoted (non-individuals) label F3: $100 Credit refundable franking credits label F4: $50  Total amount refundable label  I $320

End of example
