15. Transfer of liabilities to life insurance company or pooled superannuation trust

Last updated 12 February 2019

Has the fund or trust, with consent of the transferee, transferred assessable contributions under section 295-260 to a life insurance company or pooled superannuation trust?

Total investments of a fund, ADF or PST may include items such as life insurance policies and units held in PSTs at the balance date.

Print X in the appropriate box at A.

If the answer at A is Yes then print:

  • the name of the life insurance company or PST
  • the ABN of the life insurance company or PST
  • the amount of the contributions transferred to each transferee at B and D
  • the market value of each transferor's investment in the transferee at C and E.

Investment in any other life insurance policies or pooled superannuation trusts

Show at F the total market value of investments in any other life insurance polices or PSTs that have not been already included above.

The term 'market value' is to be given its ordinary meaning in accordance with and subject to Subdivision 960-S of the ITAA 1997.
