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Schedules for funds

Get the schedules that you may need to complete and attach to your fund tax return.

Last updated 1 July 2024

Completing schedules and your tax return

To prepare and report, you should:

  • Only complete one copy of the appropriate schedule.
  • Attach all completed schedules to the tax return, unless specified otherwise.
  • Complete as specified the schedules or documents and keep them with your fund's tax records, see Record keeping requirements.
  • Lodge the tax return and required schedules by the due date.

If you lodge the tax return without all the required schedules, we may not consider it to have been lodged in the approved form. Unless you lodge all schedules by the due date, we may apply a penalty for failing to lodge on time.

If a schedule is not lodged with the tax return the trustee is required to sign and date that schedule, otherwise it is not covered by the tax return's trustee declaration.

Capital gains tax schedule

All funds that have one or more capital gains tax (CGT) events happen during the income year must complete a Capital gains tax schedule 2024.

Attach the completed CGT schedule to the Fund income tax return 2024, if either:

  • the total current year capital gains are greater than $10,000
  • the total current year capital losses are greater than $10,000
  • you applied for the transitional CGT relief in 2016–17 and you have recognised the deferred capital gain due to a realisation event occurring this year.

For help completing the schedule and a copy of the schedule, see Capital gains tax schedule and instructions 2024.

You may also need the:

Losses schedule

Use the Losses schedule 2024, to show detailed information on losses when required to do so.

Complete the Losses schedule 2024 and attach it to the Fund income tax return 2024.

Transfer totals of the amounts at part A of the Losses schedule 2024 to item 13 Losses:

  • Tax losses carried forward to later income years – label U
  • Net capital losses carried forward to later income years – label V

Complete the losses schedule if either:

  • the total of the fund’s tax losses and net capital losses carried forward to 2024–25 is greater than $100,000
  • the fund has an interest in a controlled foreign company (CFC) that has current year CFC losses greater than $100,000
  • the fund has an interest in a CFC that has deducted or carried forward a loss to later income years of greater than $100,000.

If you need to complete a Losses schedule 2024, you may also need to complete a Capital gains tax schedule 2024.

For help completing the schedule and a copy of the schedule, see Losses schedule and instructions 2024.

Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule

Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding applies to several withholding events, including:

  • if the payment is for a supply and the payee does not quote an ABN
  • payments made under a PAYG voluntary agreement
  • payments made under foreign resident withholding.

For example, if a payer withheld an amount from a payment because the fund didn't quote its ABN, the payer should have given the fund (payee) a PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted (NAT 3283).

A payer may issue a receipt, remittance advice or similar document in place of the payment summary, provided the document contains all the information required.

If an amount from a payment to the fund was withheld by the payer because of the operation of foreign resident withholding, the fund should have received a PAYG withholding from foreign residents – payment summary (free format) from the payer.

PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted

If the fund didn't receive (or has lost) its copy of a payment summary, contact the payer responsible and request a signed photocopy of the payer’s copy. Details from any PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted must be included on a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024.

Complete a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024 and attach it to the Fund income tax return 2024 when amounts are included at:

  • item 10 Income – label H Gross payments where ABN not quoted
  • item 12 Calculation statement – label H3 Credit for tax withheld – where ABN or TFN not quoted (non-individual).

For a copy of the schedule, see Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule.

Completing the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024

Print neatly in BLOCK letters with a black pen only.

Write the fund’s TFN and name in the appropriate boxes at the top.

Print N for this type of withholding.

From each PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted, record on the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024:

  • the payer’s ABN (or withholding payer number)
  • total tax withheld
  • gross payment
  • the payer’s name.

Don't attach copies of any PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted to the tax return; keep them with the fund’s copy of the tax return. Also keep a copy of the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024 with the fund’s tax records.

Payment summary – foreign resident withholding

Details from any PAYG withholding from foreign residents – payment summary must be included on a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024.

Complete a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024 where you show an amount at item 12 – label H2 Credit for tax withheld – foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) – except where the amount is from a partnership distribution or included in a share of net income from a trust.

Print neatly in BLOCK letters with a black pen only.

Write the fund’s TFN and name in the appropriate boxes at the top.

Print F for this type of withholding.

From each PAYG withholding from foreign residents – payment summary, record the following detail on the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024:

  • the payer’s ABN (or withholding payer number)
  • total tax withheld
  • gross payment
  • the payer’s name.

When you have entered details of all these payment summaries on the schedule, attach the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024 to the tax return.

A Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024 is not required for income subject to foreign resident withholding received in a distribution from a partnership or included in a share of net income from a trust as there is not an associated payment summary.

Don't attach copies of any PAYG payment summary – payments to foreign residents to the tax return; keep them with the fund’s copy of the tax return. Also keep a copy of the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2024 with the fund’s tax records.

Trust income schedule

Complete a Trust income schedule 2024 if you are a small APRA fund and you received one or more distributions from trusts and attach it to your tax return.

These are amounts you show at:

  • item 10 income, labels
    • A Net capital gain
    • D1 Gross foreign income
    • N Trust distributions unfranked amount
    • O Trust distributions franked amount
    • P Trust distributions franking credit
    • Q Trust distributions other amount
    • U Net non-arm's length income (non-arm's length trust distributions only).

For help completing the schedule, who must complete it and a copy of the schedule, see Trust income schedule and instructions 2024.

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