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Worksheet 1: Working out your sole and joint income

Last updated 21 July 2014

Worksheet 1 will help you to complete:

  • F item A3 by separating joint income from solely earned income
  • G item A3 by separating employment or business income from non-employment or business income.

Step 1 Complete column (b) in worksheet 1 by transferring the appropriate amount from your 2014 tax return for the items listed in column (a).

Step 2 For each amount in column (b), write the amounts in columns (c), (d), (e) or (f).

Apportion each amount in column (b) into columns (c), (d), (e) and (f) depending on the source of that income. If the income came from:

  • a trust, show it in column (c)
  • you individually, show it in column (c) or (d) as appropriate
  • a partnership, show it in Worksheet 3
  • a joint income group, show it in column (e) or (f) as appropriate.
  • If you have more than three joint income groups, duplicate columns (e) and (f) on a separate sheet of paper.
Worksheet 1: Working out your sole and joint income



From (b) work out how much of your income is solely earned and jointly earned across these columns.

Income group 1

Income group 2

Income group 3











Income shown at the following labels:

Gross amount of income on your tax return

Solely earned income

Jointly earned income

Jointly earned income

Jointly earned income

that is not from employment or business

from employment or business

that is not from employment or business

from business

that is not from employment or business

from business

that is not from employment or business

from business


Interest (from L item 10)











Dividends (from S, T and U item 11)











Share of net income from trusts (from L, U and C item 13)











Farm management repayments (from C, N and R item 17)











Foreign entities (from K and B item 19)











Gross foreign source income (from E and F item 20)











Gross rent (from P item 21)











Bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies (from W item 22)











Forestry managed investment scheme income (from A item 23)











Other income (from Y and V item 24)










Total gross income (Add up each column.)










Step 3 Transfer totals to:


(a) on
worksheet 6

(b) and (c) on worksheet 6

(j) on
worksheet 2

(k) on
worksheet 2

(j) on
worksheet 2

(k) on
worksheet 2

(j) on
worksheet 2

(k) on
worksheet 2
