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Section G: Declaration and signature

How to complete Section G: Declaration and signature

Published 2 October 2024

When the return is complete, the declaration must be made by someone who is authorised by the entity to do so. This declares the information in the return is true and correct.

To make the declaration, check the 'I declare I am authorised by the entity to complete and lodge this return; and the information is true and correct' box.

In the declaration, include the following details of the person making the declaration:

  • full name and position
  • daytime phone number
  • a signature (either written or a digital copy of a written signature)
  • tax agent number (if applicable)
  • declaration date – on the PDF version, select the date in the drop-down box next to Date.

Continue to Section H, How to lodge your Supplementary annual GST return.

Return to Instructions to complete the Supplementary annual GST return 2025.

