This question requires information if you relied the arm's length debt/capital amount test.
If you relied on an arm's length debt or capital amount calculated under Division 820 of the ITAA 1997, write 'Yes' at label A of question 38 and complete the label at this question.
To complete the label at this question, you need to write the following amounts at label B if you have written:
- code 1 or 2 at item 32, label A, the arm's length debt amount worked out in accordance with section 820-105
- code 3, 4, 5 or 6 at item 32, label A, the arm's length debt amount worked out in accordance with section 820-215
- code 7 at item 32, label A, the arm's length capital amount worked out in accordance with section 820-315
- code 8 at item 32, label A, the arm's length capital amount worked out in accordance with section 820-410.