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NRAS refundable tax offset for tax exempt entities

Income tax exempt entities participating in the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) may be entitled to claim the NRAS refundable tax offset. Endorsed charitable institutions are income tax exempt entities (NAT 72789).

Last updated 11 July 2021

Income tax exempt entities participating in the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) may be entitled to claim the NRAS refundable tax offset.

Where an NRAS participant is an income tax exempt entity for only part of an NRAS year, special apportionment rules apply.

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Next steps:

Completing the application

Before completing the application, you need to determine the amount of refundable tax offset your organisation is entitled to.

Full tax offset entitlement

If your organisation is entitled to a full tax offset, the amount of the refundable tax offset is stated in the certificate issued to you by the Secretary of Department of Social Services (DSS).

Share of tax offset entitlement

If your organisation has an interest in a partnership, trust or non-entity joint venture, it may be entitled to a share of the amount stated in the tax offset certificate issued by the Secretary of DSS.

The amount of your organisation’s share of the refundable tax offset is worked out between you and whoever received the certificate and deals with DSS on your behalf.

If they provide you with a statement of apportionment showing your organisation’s share, it must be for the income year that begins in the NRAS year stated on the tax offset certificate.

Relevant NRAS year

To claim a refund, the tax offset certificate must be for the income year that begins in the NRAS year stated on it. For example, if the certificate states the NRAS 2013–14 year, you can claim a refund for the 2013–14 income year.

You need to retain your certificates for five years from when you obtain them.

Lodging your application

You can lodge your application:

Australian Taxation Office
PO Box 1032

Keep a copy of your application and any attachments for your own records.

See also:
