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Interposed entity election status

Last updated 11 February 2019

What you must complete

You must complete this item if any of the following apply:

A partner cannot make an interposed entity election specifying a year earlier than the 2004-05 income year (section 272-85 of Schedule 2F to the ITAA 1936). Do not attach election forms for an interposed entity election made specifying an income year before the 2004-05 income year to the Partnership tax return 2011.

Amendments to Schedule 2F to the ITAA 1936 in the Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Act 2007 may affect the information you complete at this item. The amendments apply to income years starting on or after 1 July 2007.

Changes to section 272-85 of Schedule 2F to the ITAA 1936 now allow an interposed entity election to be revoked in certain limited circumstances.

The partners cannot revoke an interposed entity election unless the revocation is in respect of an income year that occurs during the period

  • starting on 1 July 2007 and finishing on 30 June 2009.
  • starting at the later of
    • the beginning of the income year specified in the election, and
    • the beginning of the income year in which the entity became a member of the family group
    • finishing at the end of the fourth income year after the income year referred to in the above two dot points.

The revocation must be made with the entity's tax return for the income year from which the revocation is to be effective.

For further details on these amendments see Family trusts - details of amendments to increase flexibility for family trusts.

Instructions on how to complete the Interposed entity election or revocation 2011 are on the form itself.

If the partnership's tax return is not lodged electronically using ELS, and an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011 is being lodged with your partnership's 2011 tax return, send your tax return and the Interposed entity election or revocation 2011, to:

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9845
[insert the name and postcode of your capital city]

For example:

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9845

If the partners have not made or are not making any interposed entity elections, do not complete this item.

If the partners are making one or more interposed entity elections specifying a day in the 2004-05 or later income year, write the earliest income year specified in the box at this item, and complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011 for each election specifying a day in the 2004-05 or later income years.

Example 1: New election specifying the current year

The partners have not previously made an interposed entity election. They now want to make an interposed entity election specifying a day in the 2010-11 income year.

They write 2011 in the box at this item.

They complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011, specifying a day in the 2010-11 income year.

They attach the completed form to their Partnership tax return 2011.

Example 2: New election specifying an earlier year

The partners have not previously made an interposed entity election. They now want to make an interposed entity election specifying a day in the 2004-05 income year.

They write 2005 in the box at this item.

They complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011, specifying a day in the 2004-05 income year.

They attach the completed form to their Partnership tax return 2011.

If the partners have previously made one or more elections specifying a day in an income year before the 2010-11 income year, write the earliest income year specified in the box at this item unless the partners are making one or more elections specifying a day in the 2004-05 or later income year.

Example 3: Multiple existing interposed entity elections

The partners have previously made interposed entity elections specifying a day in the 1997-98 and 2005-06 income years respectively. They are not making another interposed entity election.

They write 1998 in the box at this item.

The partners do not need to complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011.

Example 4: Additional election specifying a current year

The partners have previously made an interposed entity election specifying a day in the 1996-97 income year and want to make another interposed entity election specifying a day in the 2010-11 income year.

They write 2011 in the box at this item.

They complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011, specifying a day in the 2010-11 income year.

They attach the completed form to their Partnership tax return 2011.

If the partners have previously made one or more elections specifying a day in an income year before the 2004-05 income year and took advantage of the one-off opportunity in Practice Statement Law Administration PS LA 2004/1 (GA) - Lodgment opportunity for family trust and interposed entity elections to specify an earlier year, write the earliest income year specified unless the partners are making one or more elections specifying a day in the 2004-05 or later income years.

Example 5: Existing elections, taken advantage of the one-off opportunity

The partners have previously made an interposed entity election specifying a day in the 2002-03 income year. The partners took advantage of the one-off opportunity in PS LA 2004/1 (GA) requesting that the election apply from the 1997-98 income year.

They write 1998 in the box at this item.

The partners do not need to complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011.


An interposed entity election can only be revoked by the partners of a partnership that satisfy all the relevant conditions in section 272-85 of Schedule 2F to the ITAA 1936.

Print R in the box at this item if the interposed entity election made by the partners is being revoked from the 2010-11 income year. An Interposed entity election or revocation 2011 must be completed and lodged with their Partnership tax return 2011.

Example 6: Revoking an interposed entity election

The partners have previously made an interposed entity election specifying a day in the 2006-07 income year and meet the conditions to revoke their interposed entity election in the 2010-11 income year.

They write 2007 in the box at this item and print R in the box at this item. The partners need to complete an Interposed entity election or revocation 2011 and lodge this with their Partnership tax return 2011.

Note: An interposed entity election is taken to be revoked if the family trust election to which it relates is revoked.

Family trust distribution tax

A consequence of a partnership making an interposed entity election is that under section 271-25 of Schedule 2F to the ITAA 1936 a special tax, called family trust distribution tax (FTDT), is payable at 46.5% on any conferral of present entitlement to, or distribution of, income or capital of the partnership to persons who are not members of the family group of the specified individual within the meaning of section 272-90 of that schedule.

A distribution of income or capital by a partnership is defined in sections 272-55 and 272-60 of Schedule 2F to the ITAA 1936.

Effective from 1 July 2007 the definition of 'family group' was amended to include a former spouse, a former widow or widower and a former stepchild.

References to these terms are as follows:

  • former spouse is a person who was a spouse of either the primary individual or a member of the primary individual's family before a breakdown in the marriage
  • former widow or widower is a person who was a widow or widower of either the primary individual or a member of the primary individual's family, and who has a new spouse who is not a member of the primary individual's family
  • former stepchild is a person who was a stepchild of either the primary individual or a member of the primary individual's family, before a breakdown in the marriage of the primary individual or the member of the primary individual's family.

Post the Family trust distribution tax payment advice with your FTDT payment to the ATO address:

Australian Taxation Office
Locked Bag 1936

Make cheques or money orders payable to the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation and print 'Not negotiable' across the cheque. Tender all cheques in Australian currency. Do not send cash by post.

