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Instructions for completing the tax return

Last updated 25 May 2022

Instructions for how to complete the partnership tax return.

Partnership information
Instructions to complete the information that identifies the partnership.

Business description and status – items 1 and 2
Instructions to complete items 1 to 2 in the tax return that relate to the partnerships business description and status.

Business income and expenses – item 5
Instructions to complete item 5 business income and expenses – excluding foreign income.

Reconciliation items and net income or loss – item 5
Instructions to complete item 5 business reconciliation items and adjustments and the net income or loss from business.

Income excluding foreign income – items 6 to 9
Instructions to complete items 6 to 9 in the tax return relating to income excluding foreign income.

Income excluding foreign income – items 10 to 15
Instructions to complete items 10 to 15 in the tax return relating to income excluding foreign income.

Deductions – items 16 to 20
Instructions to complete items 16 to 20 in the partnership tax return relating to deductions.

Foreign income – items 22 to 24
Instructions to complete items 22 to 24 in the partnership tax return relating to foreign income.

Overseas transactions – items 29 to 30
Instructions to complete items 29 and 30 in the partnership tax return relating to overseas transactions.

Taxation of financial arrangements – items 31 and 32
Instructions to complete items 31 and 32 in the partnership tax return relating to taxation of financial arrangements.

Key financial information – items 33 to 36
Instructions to complete items 33 to 36 in the partnership tax return relating to key financial information.

Business and professional items – items 37 to 52
Instructions to complete items 37 to 52 in the partnership tax return relating to business and professional items.

Statement of distribution – item 53
Instructions to complete item 54 statement of distribution in the partnership tax return.

Instructions for how to complete the declarations on the partnership tax return.
