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Instructions for how to complete the declarations in the partnership tax return.

Published 30 May 2024

Taxpayer's declaration

For a partnership, one of the partners must sign and date the declaration.

Before making this declaration check to ensure that all income has been disclosed. Check the tax return, all attached schedules and any additional documents are true and correct.

Hours taken to prepare and complete this tax return

We are committed to reducing the costs involved in complying with your taxation obligations. By completing this item you will help us to monitor these costs as closely as possible. Your response to this item is voluntary.

When completing this item, consider the time, rounded up to the nearest hour, your business spent:

  • reading the instructions
  • collecting the necessary information to complete this tax return
  • making any necessary calculations
  • actually completing this tax return or putting the tax affairs of your business in order so that the information could be handed to your tax agent.

The answer should relate to the time the partners or tax agent spent in preparing and completing the tax return. This includes the time spent by any other person whose assistance was obtained in doing this, such as an employee.

Tax agent's declaration

If you are preparing this tax return on behalf of your client, sign and date the declaration.

Include your time and a reliable estimate of their time at Hours taken to prepare and complete this tax return.

If the tax agent is a partnership or a company, this declaration must be signed by a person authorised by that partnership or company to sign on its behalf. Write that person’s name at this item.

Continue to: How to lodge and pay your partnership tax return

Return to: Instructions to complete the Partnership tax return 2024

