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Section A: Payee details

Last updated 12 April 2021

Tax file number

You must show the tax file number (TFN) the payee quoted in this field. For example, show a nine-character TFN as:

Example of the completed Tax file number field on the form shown as a nine-digit TFN, one number per box.

To help us process your form, you must substitute the TFN with the numbers listed below if the following applies:

  • a new payee has not made a TFN declaration, but 28 days have not passed – use 111 111 111
  • the payee is under 18 and earnings do not exceed $350 per week, $700 per fortnight or $1,517 per month – use 333 333 333
  • the payee is an Australian Government pensioner payee – use 444 444 444
  • the payee chose not to quote a TFN and has not claimed an exemption from quoting a TFN or does not fit into any of the above categories – use 000 000 000.


Separate the surname or family name from the given names and print in the appropriate boxes – for example, show Jane Mary Covers as:

Example of the completed name fields on the form shown in block letters, with one letter per box.

Residential address

You must show the street number and name, suburb/town/locality, state or territory and postcode separately in the boxes provided – for example, show the address 2 Bell St, Ablem WA 6999 as:

Example of the completed Residential Address, State, Suburb/Town/locality and Postcode fields on the form Example shown in block letters, with one letter per box for each field.

Date of birth (if known)

Provide this information if you have it.

Use the format DDMMYYYY – for example:

Example of the completed Date of birth (if known) field on the form shown in the format DDMMYYYY with one number per box.
