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Section A: Entity information

Last updated 3 August 2022

Insert the following information – the entity's:

  • Australian business number (ABN) at question 1
  • tax file number (TFN) at question 2 – although this is optional, this information allows us to correctly identify the entity lodging the statement
  • legal name at question 3.

Question 4: PRRT registration number

Insert the PRRT registration number.

If the project does not yet have a registration number, do one of the following:

Questions 5 to 7: Address details

If the entity's address details:

  • have not changed since it last lodged a PRRT form with us, place an X in the 'No' box at question 5 and go to section B
  • have changed since it last lodged a PRRT form with us, or the entity has not previously lodged a PRRT form with us for their interest in this petroleum project, place an X in the ‘Yes’ box at question 5 and complete questions 6 and 7 as applicable.

If the entity's main business location or address:

  • has not changed since it last notified us, leave question 6 blank
  • has changed since it last notified us, insert the entity’s current main business location or address for PRRT at question 6 (this needs to be a street address).

If the entity's postal address

  • has not changed since it last notified us, leave question 7 blank
  • has changed since it last notified us    
    • and is the same as its main business location or address, place an X in the box at question 7 and go to section B
    • but is not the same as its business location or address, insert the entity's current postal address at question 7.
