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Section E: Declaration

Last updated 21 July 2024

An authorised person or authorised tax agent must sign the declaration on behalf of the entity. The authorised person is generally the person nominated by the entity on its Application to register for petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) (NAT 9847) for the project.

If you need to change the authorised contact person, phone us on 13 28 66 between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, or complete a Change of registration details form (NAT 2943), available from Update your details.

If the person signing the declaration is an authorised tax agent that is a partnership or a company, the declaration must be signed by a person authorised by that partnership or company to sign on its behalf.

At question 28, provide all details of the authorised person:

  • the full name of the signatory
  • the position held
  • registered agent number (if applicable)
  • the business phone number.

Read the information at ‘Before you sign this form’ and 'Privacy'. If you consent to the declaration, place an X at the appropriate declaration statement and include your signature and the date of signing at the bottom of the return.

The declaration needs to be signed in pen; otherwise the return cannot be recorded as lodged when we receive it.
