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Completing your application

Last updated 14 July 2020

The instructions that follow will take you through each part of the application. Download the Application for refund of franking credits for individuals 2008 (PDF 228KB)This link will download a file and start with item 1 below.

Item 1: your tax file number (TFN)

Write your TFN on page one of your application. If you are not sure of your TFN or need to apply for one, phone us on 13 28 61.

Item 2: Were you an Australian resident for the whole income year?

You must be an Australian resident for tax purposes for the whole period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 to apply for a refund of franking credits.

The standards we use to determine your residency status are not the same as those used by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Generally, if you have always lived in Australia or you have come to Australia to live permanently, we consider you to be a resident for tax purposes.

If you need help in deciding whether or not you are an Australian resident for tax purposes, use our Are you a resident tool or phone us on 13 28 61.

Items 3 to 9: Personal details

Complete all these items accurately to avoid delays in the processing of your application.

Note: If you want to lodge your application for refund of franking credits by phone, the name and address we have for you must be current. If anything has changed or you are unsure what details you last gave us, phone us on 13 28 61 to update or check the details before you lodge your application.

Item 10: Do you want your refund paid directly into your financial institution account?

By using electronic funds transfer (EFT) we can deposit your refund directly into an Australian bank, credit union or building society account of your choice. EFT gives you quicker access to your money. Direct deposit is not available on the full range of accounts. If you are in doubt, check with your financial institution. If you would like to use EFT, print X in the YES box.

Write the following information on your application:

  • The bank state branch (BSB) number. This is a six-digit number that identifies the financial institution. The BSB number can be found on your account statement or cheque form.
  • Your account number as shown on account records. Your account statement, cheque book or other document from your financial institution will show this information.
  • Your account name - also called 'account title' - as shown on your account records. Include a space between each word and between any initials in your account name.

If you print X in the NO box, a cheque will be sent to your postal address.

Item 11: Dividends

If you received a distribution statement from a managed fund or received Australian franking credits from a New Zealand company, print X in the YES box.

If you have more than one dividend or distribution statement, you can use the worksheet to help you calculate the amounts to show at item 11.

At S, T, U and V write your:

  • unfranked amount
  • franked amount
  • franking credit (also known as imputation credit)
  • TFN amounts withheld or deducted from dividends (if applicable).

Your dividend or distribution statement should show these amounts.

'Tax file number amounts withheld from dividends' are only withheld if you did not provide your TFN to the investment body.

A dividend statement from a New Zealand company will show the amount of Australian franking credits (if any) you can claim.

Total dividend income

Add up the amounts shown at S, T and U on your application and write the total at $ TOTAL DIVIDEND INCOME.

Note: If you are 18 years of age or over on 30 June 2008 and your total dividend income amount is more than $6,000, or you are under 18 years of age on 30 June 2008 and your total dividend amount is more than $416, you cannot use this application. You will need to lodge a tax return to claim your refund of franking credits.

Your declaration

Read, sign and date Your declaration on page two of the application.
