For definitions of franking credits, dividend statement and other terms used below, see Definitions.
Can I claim franking credits from previous years?
It is not too late to claim a refund of franking credits you received in the 2001 to 2014 income years. If you have not already claimed these credits, go to and order an application for the relevant years. On the right of the opening page, click on More forms and instructions; then search for the Refund of franking credits application and instructions (NAT 4105) you need. You can only lodge these refund applications for previous years by post.
Do I need to send my dividend or distribution statements to the ATO?
No. Keep your statements with a copy of your application.
According to my final dividend statement for the year ended 30 June 2015, my final dividend payment was made after 30 June 2015. The statement also shows a franking credit. In what year do I claim the franking credit?
You claim a refund of the franking credits (and declare the dividend as income) in the year in which the final dividend was paid or credited, as shown in the statement (regardless of the year the statement relates to).
The distribution statement from my managed fund shows capital gains, foreign source income and foreign income tax offsets. Where do I include those amounts?
If you don’t need to lodge a tax return, don’t worry about these amounts even if your statement tells you to include them at a specific item on the tax return. To process your application we need only the figures shown at ‘franked amounts’, ‘unfranked amounts’, ‘franking credit’ or ‘TFN amounts withheld’.
The distribution statement shows an unfranked dividend declared to be conduit foreign income. Where do I include this amount?
Show this amount on your application as an unfranked amount.
Can I use this application to claim a refund for TFN amounts withheld or deducted from interest income?
No. You will need to lodge an income tax return to claim the TFN amounts withheld or deducted from interest income.
I chose to reinvest my dividends. Can I still claim a refund of my franking credits?
Can I use this application if I own shares or non-share equity interests in joint names with my spouse?
Yes. If you are eligible, you can use this application, stating only your share of the dividends and franking credits shown on the joint statement. If your spouse is also eligible to claim a refund of franking credits, they must complete a separate application or lodge a tax return, stating only their share of the dividends and franking credits shown on the joint statement.
Will the refund affect my pension entitlement?
No, in most cases it will not affect your pension entitlement. However, if you receive a distribution from a private company or trust, your pension entitlement could be affected.
I own shares in a New Zealand company. Am I entitled to claim all the franking credits in the dividend statement?
Not all New Zealand companies will pay dividends with Australian franking credits. You can only claim a refund of the Australian franking credits on the dividend.
You cannot claim a refund of any New Zealand imputation credits.
If you have paid New Zealand non-resident withholding tax on the dividend, the amount of franking credits that you can claim is reduced by any supplementary dividend.
My dividend statement from a New Zealand company includes a supplementary dividend. Where should I include this amount?
Include this amount as an unfranked dividend. No franking credits are attached to supplementary dividends.